ELTed Events
16th of Sept, '23, 10:00 - 13:30
10th of Feb, '24, 09:30 - 17:30
TBC of Apr, '23, 10:00 - 13:30
Ticketed In-person Events
ELT Ireland's popular ELTed event is back in person bringing more short talks by teachers for teachers on ideas from practice.
English language teacher education and development talks from ELT Ireland present a series of twelve-minute talks on a range of ELT-related topics. It provides a forum for the recognition of creativity and inspires others to try things out and get creative themselves. The topics covered can include teaching practice, managment and research.
Manager Meet-ups
18th Jan, '24, 15:30 - 16:30
13th Mar, '24, 15:30 - 16:30
Ticketed Online Event
With all the tasks that have to be juggled, the hectic role of the academic manager often leaves very little time for reflection and discussion.
ELT Ireland's Manager Meet-up is an opportunity to talk to other academic managers to share ideas, and look at the common issues that come up in the course of ELT management. These informal meetings will be loosely themed and will also offer an online forum to allow communication and professional relationships to develop after each Meet-up.
The aim of this event is to help teachers map out a path towards getting an article published and arrange a supportive exchange of feedback on the writing process.
This event for ELT Ireland members will be a first step towards getting members' articles published in the next edition of the ELT Ireland bulletin and elsewhere.
Events Calendar: 2023 / 2024
ELTed Dublin
Article Writing Forum
Manager Meet-Up
Manager Meet-Up
10th Anniversary ELTed
Manager Meet-Up
ELTed Cork