ELTed - Limerick - June 2014 at

Dr. Lou McLaughlin
Welcome to ELTed Limerick
Lou is President of ELT Ireland and College Director at ECM, Dublin.
Daniel Zuchowski
(Very) Practical Corpus Linguistics
Daniel is a linguist, ELT educator, trainer, course designer, and materials writer.
Louise Guyett
Get Excited about Pronunciation
Louise writes materials for Kaplan Intl. and is involved in the IATEFL Pron. Sig.
Stephen Cloak
Music in the ESL Classroom
Stephen is doing a postgrad in education and teaches with SEDA College, Dublin.
John Kelly
The Brazilian Effect
John teaches and designs exam and other courses for Atlantic Language.
James Gaffney
Food for Thought in Error Correction
James is the Coordinator of the English language school at Limerick City College.
Vera Lucia Carvalho
MASH: An Interactive Teaching Tool
Vera has taught English in public and private schools and is doing a PhD at UL.
Dr. Kevin Haugh
Motivating and Monitoring Self-study Kevin is a retired primary school teacher and author of An Imperfect Storm.
Peadar Clancy
Cultural Integration: Learn by Doing Peadar has taught in Cork, Japan and Limerick and is doing an MA in Film.