ELTed - Limerick - May 2016 at

Anne O'Keeffe
An Illustration of the English Grammar Profile
This talk with focus on some key insights from the recently released online
resource, the English Grammar Profile (Cambridge University Press). The
resource was based on research into how learners really use grammar in
the 55 million word Cambridge Learner Corpus.
Dr Anne O'Keeffe is a senior lecturer in English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics at Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick. She is author of seven books, including English Grammar Today, Cambridge University Press.
Robert Hanley
Grammatical Agility through Games
Robert has recently become Director of Studies at Atlantic Language Galway.
Margaret Healy
Ireland through the lens of our students
Margaret is the English Language Programme Coordinator in MIC.
Sean O'Connell
Improving Persistent Pronunciation Errors Sean worked as a Speech and Language Therapist and is currently pursuing a PhD.
Susannah Morrissey
Developing Morale in a Busy Staff Room
Susannah is currently Director of Education at ISE Ireland.
Justin McNamara
Corpus Based Analysis of Learner Error
Justin is currently in the final stages of PHD in Applied Corpus Linguistics at MIC.
Maura Casey
Engaging with Edmodo: A Teachers HowTo
Maura has been working as an English language teacher at UL since 2012.
Louel Ross Calleja
Images and a dictionary to teach skills
Louel teaches a wide range of advanced
English courses in the Czech republic.
Christopher McLaughlin
Ask the Right Questions
Christopher is teaching in Delfin in
Dublin and doing the MATESOL at UCD.
Marianne Jordan
The first Seven Sounds of English
Marianne is a freelance TEFL teacher, author and teacher trainer.