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Coordinator and Contributing Teachers Needed for Project on Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants


The Council of Europe (CoE) is developing a European reference framework to support the social inclusion of migrants and refugees with limited literacy competence under a project called Literacy and Second Language Learning for the Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants.

The project, carried out by the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) on behalf of CoE, is looking for a coordinator and around 20 teachers in Ireland to contribute to the validation of competence descriptors in the draft Framework. Participating teachers will complete a questionnaire (excel sheets) which involves rating the difficulty of draft descriptors of language and literacy competence on a scale of levels (4 short tasks, an excel file for each task, about 5 hours work), with the support of a coordinator.

The coordinator will facilitate joint discussion of the descriptors at a workshop (on-line option), for which CoE is offering a fee (1,300-1,500€). Participating teachers should ideally be familiar with the lower proficiency levels (A1/A2) of the CoE reference framework developed for foreign languages (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), or the recent Companion Volume). The contribution to the European validation process will be acknowledged in the LASLLIAM Reference Guide.

The deadline for completion of the validation process is 10 October. Guidance and support will be offered by the Council of Europe Secretariat in Strasbourg and the ALTE project leader, Lorenzo Rocca (Perugia).

For further information please contact: Joe Sheils (ALTE working group)


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